Healthier South Wirral

C/o The Orchard Surgery, Bromborough Village Road, Bromborough, Wirral CH62 7EU

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Healthy Eating and Help with Weight Loss

Posted on June 19th, 2024

Eat less saturated fat, sugar and salt

Too much saturated fat can increase the amount of cholesterol in the blood, which increases your risk of developing heart disease.

Regularly consuming foods and drinks high in sugar increases your risk of obesity and tooth decay.

Eating too much salt can raise your blood pressure, which increases your risk of getting heart disease or having a stroke.

See 8 tips for healthy eating to find out more about why you need to cut down on saturated fat, sugar and salt, which foods they’re found in, and how to make healthier choices.

Find out more about how to eat less saturated fat


Self-refer for help with your weight

If you need help managing your weight, you might be able to refer yourself directly to services that can help you, without seeing a GP.

To find out if there are any services in your area:

  • ask the reception staff at your GP surgery
  • check your GP surgery’s website
  • contact your integrated care board (ICB) – find your local ICB
  • search online for NHS weight management services near you
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