Healthier South Wirral

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How to Order Prescriptions

Posted on July 8th, 2022

The quickest and easiest way to order repeat medication is via the NHS APP or other mobile applications.

  • Check how many days of medication you have left before ordering your medication.
  • Order repeat medication from your GP practice when you have 7 days of medication left.
  • It usually takes the GP practice 2 working days to issue a prescription.
  • Once the pharmacy receives the prescription it can take them 48 hours to prepare it.
  • Remember to only order the medication that’s needed for the month.
  • It’s not necessary to order medication every month for it to stay on repeat prescription.
  • Speak to your pharmacy or GP Practice to organise for the prescription to be sent electronically.
  • Speak to their pharmacy about what services they offer e.g., prescription collection and delivery.
  • Please speak to your GP practice if you are unable to order repeat medication yourself, and don’t have someone else to help.

How to order a repeat prescription – NHS (

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